Friday, November 30, 2007


We all had a feeling as something bad will happen last night. There were at least 3-4crashed cars on the way home. Even N who never has such feelings or dreams etc turn around the house restless and woke up with interesting things to tell.

The daily agenda is full of news. At first I was thinking to write about the Suryani priest kidnapped at Midyat yesterday and released at Batman today.

Germany's handling two PKK terrorists to Turkey is an interesting example for the beginning of the change in European countries behavior against PKK. Price Charles and his Camilla are here since Sunday. Their visit to disabled soldiers at Turkish General Staff's Rehabilitation Center is also an unexpected event.

Or I could write on the Supreme Military Council's meeting, decisions and if President Abdullah Gül will approve the council's decisions, without putting any reservations, to remove certain officers who have engaged in fundamentalist acts or not.

I was even thinking to write on the Annapolis talks or USA Ambassador Ross Wilson's call for breakfast to Kurdish deputies from all parties except DPT (which is said to be in connection with PKK) with Christopher Shays from US House of Representatives.

There are many more important news to think on in daily agenda. Especially the last minutes announcement by PM as the Turkish Armed Forces is authorized for over border operations by the Government. But the airplane crash changed all focus. The cause of the crash, which left no survivors, is not yet known.

According to authorities every evidence till now are surprising and like pieces of a mysterious quiz. Reports are as;

- a transcript of the conversation between the Isparta control tower and the pilot revealed no indication of trouble

- pilot is said to have told the tower: "Isparta tower, we are inbound" at 1:36 a.m., according to the transcript. The tower then replied: "Understood, Atlasjet. Continue to approach."

- conditions at the time of the crash were good. There was no rain or wind, the weather could not have been better."

- the flight's pilots had just returned from training and were extremely experienced.

- the debris of the plane found at a totally opposite place. The rote of the plane is opposite to the crash area.

- according to the condition of the debris, the speed of the plane was less than 250 km per hour, meaning landing speed.

- airport is at 2835 feet, but the debris found at 4500-5000 feet.

- even Isparta Governor, said that the site of the crash did not seem to be on the plane's usual route, "It is impossible to understand how the plane landed there."

And here comes the other interesting part; Engin Arik, a renowned nuclear physics professor at Bosporus University, Istanbul, was among those killed. She was part of a delegation of academics who were scheduled to attend a conference at Isparta university.

She and some of the other 6 dead academicians were working at CERN and ATLAS experiment.

CERN is the European Organization for Nuclear Research, the world's largest particle physics centre. It sits astride the French-Swiss border near Geneva. CERN is a laboratory where scientists unite to study the building blocks of matter and the forces that hold them together. CERN exists primarily to provide them with the necessary tools. These are accelerators, which accelerate particles to almost the speed of light and detectors to make the particles visible. Founded in 1954, the laboratory was one of Europe's first joint ventures and includes now 20 Member States.

ATLAS is a particle physics experiment that will explore the fundamental nature of matter and the basic forces that shape our universe. Starting in mid-2008, the ATLAS detector will search for new discoveries in the head-on collisions of protons of extraordinarily high energy. ATLAS is one of the largest collaborative efforts ever attempted in the physical sciences. There are 1900 physicists (Including 400 students) participating from more than 166 universities and laboratories in 37 countries.

Do you remember CERN from somewhere else, may be from Dan Brown's famous novel Angels & Demons...

The novel about a famous scientist of the CERN (from where Internet is supposed to be born) is murdered and the product of his research work is taken away. It is called the antimatter and it can destroy an entire city, but was created with an intention to prove the existence of god scientifically, i.e with good intentions.

Did you also remember the 3 young Turkish scientists found dead (suicide) one after another in a few months, I mentioned earlier? The investigation is still going on for the suicides of the scientists working for the governmental arm researches on high tech equipments...

Wish the 56 plane crash victims rest in peace...still question the whereabouts of the angels & demons...

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Iraqi Oil Revenues for Iraqi Refugees

Please publish, spread, develop and coordinate with us

Iraqi Oil Revenues for Iraqi Refugees

More than 4.5 million Iraqis -- a fifth of the population -- have been displaced inside and outside their country due to the sectarian policies of the occupation and the governments it has installed since the illegal invasion of Iraq in 2003.

The international community, the occupation powers, and the government in Iraq are legally required to support and protect Iraqi refugees.

Iraqi refugees are Iraqi citizens who have a full right to live in dignity, a right to benefit equally from national resources, and a right to return to their homes.

The UN Security Council, as the highest body of the UN, has the power and legal duty to ensure that the needs of Iraqi refugees are met by passing a resolution to require that the Iraqi state allocate proportionate revenue to responsible agencies and hosting countries.

Call for action

Displaced and refugee Iraqis cannot wait until they can return home for their essential needs to be met. The international community has the moral obligation to act now. UNSC Resolution 986 of 1995 established that Iraqi oil revenue is for all Iraqis. As Iraqi citizens, Iraqi refugees have equal rights to share in the wealth of Iraq.

We call upon all governments, UN agencies and organizations, law, human rights and humanitarian associations, and all people of conscience to work together towards ensuring that the UNSC adopt and implement this proposal of obliging the Iraqi state to allocate oil revenues for Iraqi refugees.

We demand that states -- particularly those involved in the illegal invasion and destruction of Iraq -- fulfill their obligations and responsibilities and provide necessary funding for the UN High Commissioner on Refugees (UNHCR) mission of protecting displaced Iraqis.

We call upon all to raise funds and take all measures to provide direct aid to Iraqi refugees and the organizations helping them.

Humanity is in distress in Iraq. Our moral responsibility is to save it. Join us.

attached is the platform of the Iraqi International Initiative

To endorse, contact:
To sign the petition:
To stay informed on the campaign:

Iraqi International Initiative on refugees

First Signatories:

Hans von Sponeck, UN Humanitarian Coordinator for Iraq (1998-2000), Germany.
Denis Halliday, UN Humanitarian Coordinator for Iraq (1997-1998), Ireland.
Ms. Niloufer Bhagwat, Advocate, Vice President of the Indian Association of Lawyers.
Mathias Chang, 37 years in the antiwar movement, Malaysia.
Sabah Al-Mukhtar, President Arab Lawyers Association, UK.
Issam Al-Chalabi, Former Iraqi Oil Minister, Iraq-Jordan.
Saeed .H. Hassan, Former Iraqi Permanent Representative to the UN, Iraq -Egypt.
Dr Curtis F J Doebbler, Professor of law, at Najah National University, Nablus, Palestine.
Dirk Adriaensens, Member Executive Committee BRussells Tribunal, Belgium.
Dahr Jamail, Independent Journalist, Author of "Beyond the Green Zone: Dispatches from an Unembedded Journalist in Occupied Iraq", USA.
Paola Manduca, Geneticist and Antiwar Activist, New Weapons, Italy.
Bert De Belder, M.D., Coordinator, Medical Aid for the Third World, Belgium.
Mohammed Aref, Science Writer, Advisor for 'Arab Science & Technology Foundation', UAE.
Abdul Ilah Albayaty, Writer, Iraqi Political Analyst, Iraq-France.
Dr Ian Douglas, Writer, Egypt.

Monday, November 26, 2007



“Men are mortal gods, and gods are immortal men” said Hermes
and his secret, no man was able to reach
the ones to dare were thrown to the land of Isis
before the door, under her statue with a covered face
“no mortals could raise the apron on my face” words
the first test, was to resist all blasphemies without talking
and hundreds of hard tests, under the ground, in the darkness, in the galleries
with snakes and scorpions, cold, lamentations and blood
at times a priest would appear and ask: do you want to return or not
exams of fire, water and lust would await the ones who survived the gaps with sanity
to the one to succeed to be buried alive
on a chilly night, while staring seven stars of the seven skies
the secret of Hermes would be told by a priest...

for us who were born under the moon, with the light within: opinions were reckoned crimes
the royalty of Mercury we took from the milk of our mothers, tried to be stolen
when we looked at the mirror of Venus love had already entered our blood
we were marching to the Sun carrying all our beauty within
we had already added justice to our blood before the sword of Mars cut
science to which we’d been registered as customers was destroyed, books were put into fire
was that all Hermes, to keep the secret?
if this is the way to immortality Hermes
we did not need temples nor priests
let them destroy statues of Isis, erase the words beneath
Saturn is shining in the cells of all of us, we keep the secret
we the mortal immortals, have already raised the apron on the face of Isis…

May 1986


"İnsanlar, ölümlü tanrılardır, tanrılar da ölümsüz insanlar" demiş Hermes
ve onun sırrına ulaşmak insanoğluna pek nasip olamamış
cesaret edip demek isteyenler İsis tapınaklarına götürülürmüş
kapısında yüzü örtülü heykeli, altında
"Yüzümdeki örtüyü hiç bir ölümlü kaldıramadı" sözleri
ilk sınav, konuşmadan tüm aşağılanmalara direnebilmekmiş
ve yüzlerce zor sınav, yeraltında, karanlıklarda, dehlizlerde
yılan ve akreplerle, soğuk, çığlıklar ve kanlar içinde
arada bir bir rahip çıkar sorarmış; geri dönmek isteyip istemediğini
aklını yitirmeden uçurumdan kurtulabileni ateş, su ve şehvet sınavları beklermiş
son sınav olan diri diri gömülmeyi başarabilene
serin bir gecede, yedi kat göğün yedi yıldızını seyrederken
anlatılırmış Hermes'in sırrı bir rahip tarafından...

biz içlerinde ışıkla, Ay'ın altında doğanlara düşünceleri suç sayıldı
analarımızın sütünden aldığımız Utarit'in soyluluğu çalınmak istendi
Zühre'nin aynasına baktığımızda, aşk kanımıza çoktan girmişti
biz akınlardaydık Güneş'e yüreklerimizde taşıyarak bütün güzelliğimizi
Merih'in kılıcı kesmeden kanımıza katmıştık adaleti
Müşteri yazıldığımız bilim yıkıldı, kitaplarımız yakıldı...
bütün mesele bu muydu Hermes, saklamak mı sırrı?
ölümsüzlüğe ulaşmak buysa Hermes
ne tapınaklara, ne rahiplerine ihtiyacımız olmadı
yıksınlar İsis'in heykellerini, silsinler altında kazılı sözleri
Zuhal yıldızı bizim hücrelerimizde ışıldıyor, saklıyoruz sırrını
biz ölümlü ölümsüzler, İsis'in yüzündeki örtüyü çoktan kaldırdı...

Mayıs 1986


Yesterday it was Saudi Arabia, today Brazil and any corner of the world.

"Authorities in Brazil are investigating reports that a young woman was left in a police cell with some 20 men for a month and repeatedly sexually abused. The governor of the state of Para, where the reported case took place, has promised a full inquiry. Governor Ana Julia Carepa said the age of the woman, put variously at 15 and 20, was irrelevant as she should not have been jailed with male prisoners. Women's rights groups in Brazil say it is not an isolated case.

......Media reports suggested that the girl was placed in a police cell in the town of Abaetetuba on suspicion of theft. But human-rights groups say there is uncertainty about what offence the girl was accused of and she was not formally charged. They say that she was raped relentlessly and forced to have sex in order to obtain food. The girl's father has now alleged that he has been threatened by police who tried to force him to provide a birth certificate showing that the girl was 20 years of age - a document which he said did not exist."

Two rape cases from two sides of the world. Or two examples of absurdity, idiocy, cleverness? Which kind of of a logic would think people may be deceived by a reason like "mistake". Women organisations say there were at least 3 such "mistakes" in Brazil lately.

They think us stupid? Unfortunately we are not. The women, especially the women of countries like us are very clever and sensitive to what is happening to their kind around the world. (Plus a 15 year is a child yet)...


she was there for a long time
as she thinks nothing remains that she would not stand
they would find a new method….
they threw the body they took from electricity to a corner
she for a while stood unconscious at the place she had been thrown to
dirty hands striped the ragged cloths on her
pulling her arms and legs, dragged her toward the wall
and they pulled her upwards as a sheep to be slaughtered
her head felt down, her fingers trembled
and she stood motionless…
coming and going they checked her
held water on her to regain her consciousness
she thought her arms had pulled out of her shoulders
she could not feel a thing
between black outs
especially on her waist and kidneys they hit the club
the last one stitched to the hair on her genitals
her numb body woke up with an unbearable pain
she herself even astonished with how high his voice can get
while begging “please, sir, do not sir”
she understood she came to the end
she dissolved into the absence…

Sunday, November 25, 2007


You should read about the young girl they decide to punish because she had been raped in Saudi Arabia.

BBC gave the news as; "According to the Arab News newspaper, the 19-year-old woman was gang-raped 14 times in an attack in Qatif in the eastern province a year-and-a-half ago. Seven men were found guilty of the rape and sentenced to prison terms ranging from just under a year to five years. The victim and attackers are from Saudi Arabia's Shia minority."

Your eyes are not decieving you, news is going on as; "The justice ministry said in a statement that the sentence was justified because the woman was in a car with an unrelated man. ...

The 19-year-old, who has not been named, was travelling in a car with a male friend last year, when the car was attacked by a gang of seven men who raped both of them."

Please give attention; the MALE friend also raped.

"She has become known as the "Qatif girl", a reference to the largely Shia town which she comes from. Four of the men were convicted of kidnapping - but the court also sentenced the woman and her friend to receive 90 lashes each for the crime of "illegal mingling"."

Understand? The girl is nameless and the crime is only "illegal mingling".

It goes on; "Last week the court increased the woman's sentence to 200 lashes and six months in prison. It also banned her lawyer from the courtroom and took away his licence. The Saudi justice ministry has defended the verdict and warned against "agitation through the media" - a sign of how sensitive the authorities are to the fact that the woman and her lawyer have sought to use the media to highlight the case..."

This country of shame holds all the power in the hands of Suud family. Their King Abdullah visited Turkey last week. All the newspapers made fun of him, printing his photo in front of his own photo and making its analyses. They gave his photo together with the most known, egoistic, manic comedy character of Turkish TVs -his painting as Mona Lisa behind him-.It is sure a psychologic problem which needs attention for poor man but it dont interest us.

What we are interested here is the young girl who is about to be punished because she is raped. If it is the matter of "being raped" why do you think they dont punish the young man with her, who also raped. Can it be because they used to, like to rape males, especially young ones? My goal is not insulting any country or people. It is a well known but prefered not to be spoken social fact in Gulf countries, especially Saudies.

Never ever pass any little news story only thinking "how disgusting" etc. There is always at least one big story behind all little stories.

I am not in the mood to talk on what/ how many what lies behind this rape story now but I will write more, wont forget;

- How Saudi Arabia is exploiting religion for a dynasty's benefits
- How they exploiting women and children
- How they keep their people ignorant and poor while sharing all that richness from oil between the princes
- How they serve US and Israel

So many hows but for now lets just think about this young girl and male friend..

Daughter, young woman, Qatif girl;

I have written about "rape" so many times. I wrote articles, poems. I participated conferances, talked many times. I knew women raped during wars are punished by their families, societies because of honor and many unlogical reasons but I never thought on such events as yours.

I want to, need to apologize from you because I wrote poems begining like;

"have you ever been raped?
not like every relation woman said “no”
is considered to be rape.
in the torture dungeons all around the world
like women are used as guns
while in the midst of wars...

But at least I ended knowing the strength in all women;

have you ever been raped?
you can feel within your brain
in the kind that would never be scratched from your soul
those women in torture dungeons are smart
they do know the goals of loathsome
are aware that he who wastes her body cannot reach her soul
rather than giving what he wants, rather than beeing unfastened
rather than letting bugs reach their goals
she shuts her soul and throws her body in the middle
woman’s body is strong beyond her soul
woman’s soul is strong beyond her consciousness
woman can be broken, divided into a thousand pieces, she would not shatter
woman gets bend, smashed, she would not collapse
such an amber a woman carries within in depth
though made worse than dead meaning would not be known…


Excuse me baby, excuse me!...


Thanks for asking...

Genealogy and DNA research's says we all originated from Africa and begun our great journey some 50.000 or more years ago to invade the planet. So, first of all, this makes me one of the invaders from the very beginning.

National Geographic writes; "The human genetic code, or genome, is 99.9 percent identical throughout the world. What's left is the DNA responsible for our individual differences—in eye color or disease risk, for example—as well as some that serves no apparent function at all. Once in an evolutionary blue moon, a random, harmless mutation can occur in one of these functionless stretches, which is then passed down to all of that person's descendants. Generations later, finding that same mutation, or marker, in two people's DNA indicates that they share the same ancestor. By comparing markers in many different populations, scientists can trace their ancestral connections."

Universal Declaration of Human Rights Article 15 says; "(1) Everyone has the right to a nationality. (2) No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his nationality nor denied the right to change his nationality." and,

European Convention on Nationality; "Article 2 – "nationality" means the legal bond between a person and a State and does not indicate the person's ethnic origin; article 3 – "Each State shall determine under its own law who are its nationals."

We all know "an ethnic group" or "ethnicity" defines the group of humans who identify with each other on the basis of a common genealogy or ancestry, with common culture, language etc. And "ethnic nationalism" is defining the "nation" in terms of ethnicity.

Having said these; I am not sure how should I answer the question; "Are you Turkish?"

According to national and international laws, and what I feel; I think my answer should be, "Yes, I am Turkish". But if we have to talk on politics or science; can I be any kind of nationalist or belong to a nation or ethnicity? Again if we have to talk about culture, traditions, language etc my answer can be the same; "I am Turkish!". But can it be totally right? Science don't says so...

We all have our own thoughts, beliefs about "nationalism", "ethnicity", "ethnic nationalism", "self determination", "oppressed / oppressor nations" etc. 21st century (or Globalisation, or end of Cold War, or whatever we are in) and the scientific revolution we are living is reshaping many of our concepts.

Sociologist Max Weber said; "The whole conception of ethnic groups is so complex and so vague that it might be good to abandon it altogether." in his time, wonder what would he say if he witnessed the scientific developments of our time.

Assume making a little poll in family and received the answers;
- "Turk, we are certainly Turkish, but grandpa was Cherkez"
- "Don't forget the father side came from Cyprus, there should be Greeks too."
- "What about the grand grandpa who was a Kurdish Nakshi Sheik?"
- "Don't say that, we don't have such sects in our background?"
- "You think so, what if the ones from Selaniki were Sabetaist Jews?"
- "Don't question that much, we are Laz and Lazs are Turkish?"
- "Ha..ha.. you want to forget about Russian grand grandma!"..
We can add a dozen more ethnic groups. And didn't mention the religious identities yet.

So... Yes, I am Turkish. Love my country, history, culture, language and all. But this is Anatolia, even historians are not sure how many civilization born, passed and ended, or how many nations, ethnicity left their marks. I am happy with all the ethnic drops in my blood; Turk, Kurd, Laz, Rum, Gypsy, Hittite, Roman, Lykian, Arcadian and all (being hybrid in nature always adds gifts:).

Isn't it interesting that 20 million European men are grand grandsons' of Genghis Han? Or isn't it incredible that leaving Africa; native Americans, south Americans and Turks share some genes?

Psst, don't tell anybody... I am only homo sapiens! Don't have my blood tested for more yet!

Monday, November 19, 2007


It is not only the scenes from the border area, in border operations worsening but also the political arena is in a deepening mess too. Clouds on us are getting darker and darker.

Kurdish Democratic Society Party (DTP) is faced with possible closure. The Supreme Court's Chief Prosecutor asked the court to shut down the party for its alleged links to PKK.

Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) repeatedly accused the DTP of being the PKK's extension in Parliament is very pleased. They also want to strip the DTP's deputies of their immunity.

PM Erdoğan says it may mean to tell them "go to mountains" but some insists there cannot be semi-application of the supremacy of law or equality in a country that claims to be democratic.

While the DTP is complaining of a “lynching campaign” against itself, it is indeed really hard to reconcile what's expected from a member of Turkish Parliament with the images of the DTP deputies in northern Iraq when the eight soldiers were released by PKK or calls for “democratic autonomy”.

What the high court will say, we cannot have an idea for the time being but they said that they have a “plan B” ready. They mean; before a closure decision by the high court DTP may dissolve itself and its members will forge a new party.

Prime Minister Erdoğan earlier said that rather than forcing the DTP to go to the “mountains” and joining PKK, the Kurdish deputies must remain in Parliament and engage in political activity. Last night he announced; "At this point, our security forces are carrying on an operation with full sensitivity inside our own country's borders. We are not dealing right now with an over the border operation. Our central stance in all these operations is first and foremost aimed at having them leave off their weapons."

"Aiming at having them leave off their weapons" is a very important statement in the mean time. We can guess what the operation will bring; "The operation that took place in 1995 (named “Steel”) lasted 45 days. Some 555 PKK militants and 185 soldiers lost their lives. The 1997 operation (called “Hammer”) lasted 65 days, and 2,730 PKK militants and 114 soldiers died."

We don't know how many already died or dying any minute in-border operations. It seems like both PKK and the DTP deputies in the Parliament are tying for the closure to raise the sympathy they lost. They act like the provocation tool of PKK. It is clear that the orders are coming from Imralı and mountains. It is a shared suspicion whether they want the over border operation and pull Turkey inside Middle- East problem (and make it evidence of Turkish brutality and expansionist intentions).

If they are pro-democracy don't they see they are needed in the Parliament and the political arena (or dont want to see?). We are not at 90s, not at the the unidentified deaths period of PM Çiller or their predecessor DEP giving oath in Kurdish at the Parliament. Even PM Erdogan (though we dont like and criticize him many ways) says; “It is better to let them talk than forcing them to join the militants in the mountains.”

DTP s not DEP but Leyla Zana is still talking in meetings calling Apo as "people's leader". They suddenly elected somebody who spent 9 of his 35 years in prison as a member of PKK as the chairman of the party in place of years old Kurdish politician Ahmet Turk.

Papers writes 82 percent of the population backs an over border operation according to polls. Any estimation about deaths in a cross-border operation? No word. This mass madness is hopeless. Where is long lost wisdom we had, lets find it back all together.

Saturday, November 17, 2007


I was in the middle of writing on the late developments but friends called. Better to go and learn latest rumors. Before leaving the computer; I remembered there will be Leonid meteor shower tonight and it remind me an old poem...

Rain Of Light

there is meteor rain tonight
appetizers are being prepared, everyone is in excitement
we sent Ahmet to buy fishes
we did not, of course, forget mussels and shrimps
tables will be laid in the garden in a while
charcoal is ready, Ercan will light the barbecue
with long and thin glasses we will clink our Tekirdağ rakis
we will dissolve it into scents of jasmines, into the nihavent music
light will rain onto us, as if stars are falling…

I do not feel well today
it was the song of mom and dad,
we would every night go for a moonlight stroll
“I do not like it anymore” mom says now
she says moonlight is of no value now once humankind stepped onto the moon
we would make wishes under the falling stars
as for now, not only I do not like it, it makes me creep
since humankind sends death with illumination, like mom’s calculations
while there are children who cannot tell falling stars from falling bombs

I am not the only crazy person in this family
my cousin brought star shaped ice molds
we will add stars to our raki tonight
children will cry in distant cities
women will be raped, bombs will fall onto them
I will hear their voices with the wind blowing within my head
“fill another glass” I will say to my cousin
I am about to lose my mind, what if the stars were going to fall….

(Raki is a traditional Turkish drink. Nihavent is a form of classical Turkish music.)


An Associated Press writer wrote at Nov 15th; "When Turkey reports the death of Kurdish rebels, it calls them "terrorists" and says they were "rendered ineffective," a euphemism designed to distance Turkish troops from the brutality of killing. But the military glorifies its own dead as "martyrs." ...

Turkey describes its war dead as martyrs, or "sehit" in Turkish. The Arabic-based term, also used by the PKK, is associated with those who die in the belief that they are fighting for Islam, but Turkey's secular military prefers a nationalist meaning. Fighters who died during the wars that led to the 1923 creation of the Turkish republic were also given that title...."

He should learn Turkey's cultural and traditional mosaic better beside the poltics.

Although “şehit” comes from “shaded” in Arabic origin and in religious context, it mainly means dying for fighting, defending one’s “country” in our minds. According to dictionaries “şehit” means “martyr” in English. Encyclopedia Britannica gives the definition of “martyr” as; “Person who voluntarily suffers death rather than deny his or her religion.””

Wikipedia gives a broader definition; “A martyr (Greek "witness") is a person who is put to death or endures suffering because of a belief, principle or cause. The death of a martyr or the value attributed to it is called martyrdom. Though often religious in nature, martyrdom can be applied to a secular context as well. The term is sometimes applied to those who use violence, such as those who die for a nation's glory during wartime (usually known under other names such as "fallen warriors"). It may also apply to nonviolent individuals who are killed or hurt in the struggle for independence, civil rights etc.”

This definition gives the meaning of “şehit”/ “martyr” for us more clearly. Turkish Islam has some specifics which ancient Turkish culture has great effects. As an example; even during the Turkish Liberation War after the 1st WW, although there was religious inspiration and in a way religion used as an important motivator, the war was primarily carried out to save the “nation”. The war was not a “holly” but an “earthly” one. Turk, Kurd, Laz, and all kind of ethnicities as well as Anatolian Christians and Jews fought altogether in the war to save the country from imperialism.

Today Turkey’s 98 percent Muslim population is from Sunni and Alevi majority. Though some percentage of these can be called only as “Cultural Muslim”, Islam is in every part of life. There are also Suryani Christian, Greek Orthadox, Armenian Catholic, Turkish Protestant churches and others as Yezidis. So the society lives a very integrated mosaic of culture.

Regardless to their religion or ethnicity all male Turkish citizens have to serve in military for a certain period. Not only the culture but also Turkish constitution defines “martyrs” in high regard. According to law “martyr” is the one; “Who die under direct fire or wounded and die because of this wounds during war. Or the one who are at the back front but died because of enemy fire or wounded and died during treatment. Who die immediately or wounded and died because of the wound during National Security duty, fighting against terror or anarchy. Protecting the borders etc...”

As seen; “defending the nation / country” is essential. Religion and beliefs of these soldiers may have a great importance in their determination and heroism individually but what they go to die for is “motherland”. Martyrdom is highly regarded not only for our own but for all regardless to their nation or religion. A good example of this cultural acceptance is the martyrdoms build at Gallipoli area for many nations (more than 30 cemeteries and memorials).

Turkish army doesn’t let any religious activities or propaganda. On the other side, the terrorist organization PKK is not a “religious” terrorist organization. It founded as a socialist liberation organization of Turkey’s Kurds but turned to an “ethnic nationalist” terror group.

Two of the last martyred soldiers by PKK were also Kurds. Kurds are not a minority but essential group founding this republic. These young boys born, raised, lived at the same lands, share unseperable traditions.

PKK is not the representative of all Kurds. But ofcourse it will call the fallen members as martyrs too in it's own concept. And do you think there are no Turkish terrorists? Or do you think terrorists and martyrs should have certain ethinicities?

We also have "democracy" or "revolutionary" etc martys. "Martyrdom" is neither religious nor belongs to a special ethnicity traditionally etc. One should differ the defination of martyr according to "laws" (because of the legal rights of the descendants) and defination in the "culture and traditions".

This country and it's people shares much more than politics. They have common emotions, passions, devotions and all deep in their hearts. Mothers cry with the same laments either in Turkish or Kurdish. Children grow up listening same folk songs, stories regardless to language. Though the politics and imperialism brought us to this point concept of martyr in hearts may hardly change.

Take your hands of from us, our martyrs Mr X... Y... Z... Our beliefs are hard to understand for imperialist pens. Neither the martyrs in our minds and hearts can be despised or forgotten, nor the martyrs in our future, present or past.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


12 martyred and 16 wounded soldiers by PKK 3 weeks ago have almost been forgotten (others are falling everyday as 4 more buried today). We don't exactly know how they lost their lives.

News about the 8 kidnapped and arrested upon their return banned. Papers says investigation is focused on whether their surrender put the lives of the rest in danger or led to an increase in the number of casualties. According to military rules this is one of the most serious crimes that a soldier can commit.

From the first hours of the event, we know that there were nearly 70 soldiers in the clash. News about the 8 is not possible but one wonders what about the rest or at least the wounded. It is not possible for any real journalist not to search for their experiences, testimonies. The ban on the media should be wider than we know.

There is also a wide spread misinformation. Commander of the Turkish Air Force, today said that reports targets near the northern Iraqi city of Zaho had been struck yesterday were groundless. No Turkish planes entered Iraq airspace or took part in any operations yet.

It is better not to believe any news as long as they are approved by officials or proved by photos, witnesses etc. First official announcement came from Foreign Minister late afternoon. He said, the immediate intelligence flow promised by US begin today. Massing troops to border line and Turkish bases in Iraq is going on.

There was an interesting and important photo in the news from the area today. Traditionally we use henna in 3 events; put henna to lamb meaning to sacrifice God, put henna before marriage meaning bring prosperity and sacrifice to family and henna the son sending military to sacrifice for motherland. They send to their units with ceremonies, drums and pipes, folk dances and songs, national marches. In a way, all these show the inner acceptance of the possibility they may not come back alive.

Hope these boys waving hands with henna on their palms will turn back alive and not being compelled to kill anyone.


Yesterday, when I learned about the bombing into Iraq, I immediately informed some friends.

F replied as; "I am discovering that I have the same response to the idea of your country bombing Iraq as I had to the idea of my country bombing Iraq, even though I know there is more provocation in the case of the PKK. I wonder what is to be gained by the bombing: A show of strength? I do hope that the villages are empty, but I still wonder about the trees, the flowers, the animals, and the souls of all of us if we keep this up."

She was certainly right, voicing some of my own worries. But I have so many worries that I couldn't keep myself asking;

"I don't think any country would accept what Turkey is facing; what would you do;

- if there are continuous attacks from a neighbor (for ex Mexico)
- if they are murdering and kidnapping your soldiers and civilians
- if they have the democratic right of being elected to Parliament and it come out that one of your representatives or congresswoman was in fact trained in Al Quayda camps (for example)
- if her husband is still with terrorists and shamelessly receiving funds from your government as a farmer
- if there is a political party and the leader of the party come out forging document not to serve in military and already been in jail for nine years because of terrorist activities.
- if they are directing drug and arm traffic, laundering drug money
- if your allies don't hear your calls
- and if those terror bases are just a few kilometres beside your border."

Her reply was; "Well, my problem is that I have always been pretty much totally a pacifist. A radical even among antiwar folks. So, I'm not a good person to ask questions like what would I do if Mexico or Canada aimed their guns at the US. I tend to believe that if generals want war, they should fight them themselves, that all military weapons that can destroy life at a distance of greater than arms length should be destroyed...things like that. And most of my adult life I have argued for such measures, since ultimately if we are to avoid destroying the planet, I think we're going to need to use them."

What can I say, she is right. We share the same values but not the same geography. Lately I am finding myself in deep dilemmas. I don't know how many times I wrote my peace activist friends that I never felt my self so stupid to make any analyses, in lack of making decisions on my observations.

It is as if we are living on daily basis and under the bombardment of events pulling us in a "mind eclipse" (I am beginning to develop terms).

We never had so many flags around. We hear nationalist attacks from both sides of the society. Every side, even from prisons. This is a years long conflict but suddenly it changed strategy as if some hidden (but not hard to identify) forces wants the people of this country became enemies.

Though, there is no need to be pessimist. Sometimes when we reach to the peak of a conflict of any kind, it may surprise us how it may change for good spontaneously.

After the confessions of ex generals and other army members, another step came from the opposition leader. Baykal announced; "Barzani should be accepted as a part of the Iraqi administrative system..." He said we should befriend the people of Iraq including the Kurds. "We should establish very warm ties offering university grants, more water and other incentives to the Iraqi people. Then in the warm atmosphere we can expect them to combat the PKK more effectively."

He said Turkey can provide up to 2,000 grants to Iraqi university students every year at the best universities here and thus help to train a new generation of administrators in Iraq including in the Kurdish region. We should finish the UIisuyu Dam on the Tigris River and thus provide secure and more water resources to Iraq.

He voiced majority of the opinions as there should never be a conflict between Turks and Kurds. "Our struggle should be against the PKK not the Kurdish people." Said a new project is needed to enhance the living conditions of Kurds in Turkey and Kurds in Turkey should be able to have their own language courses, their own schools and their own publications.

I never liked him but I must admit that he surprised me. His suggestions may open new and long-term consequences. Creating higher education opportunity for Iraqi youth from any ethnic group in Turkey may help closer relations and understanding. His other suggestion, spreading Turkey based television broadcasts in the region may be used as a productive tactic. When journalists asked the students at the universities in Erbil, many already replied as they they would like to study in Turkey. Talabani and Barzani also sent warm messages.

No logical mind should oppose the social and cultural rights of any group and majority of the society supports it other than little minded ethnic nationalists. Can this become a state policy, it is the point we cant be sure. But at least we can be "a little" optimistic, now that it is beginning to voice by certain centers and ones who are responsible from ex wrong policies are confessing one by one.

The questions I asked my friend are still in my mind. Neither her reply, nor similar or opposite opinions can satisfy me. Not even my own, years long beliefs seems enough. May be we are insufficient to embrace the new necessities our time is forcing on us.

If "war" changed concept and weapons, why can't "peace" change too? We can stop asking only "what ... would you/ we do" and add "where", "when", "why", "who", "how" to our questionings all together.

As my friend points out; it takes hundreds, even thousand years for firs, oaks to grow and human can destroy them with few bombs in a second. We see the same human can create terrorism at any area in few decades don't want to find a way to stop what he created other than endless reasons for new pains.

Wish we can get out from this mind eclipse. Of course the other problem is; if I can be a pacifist activist... "What" if pacifism would cause eclipse on activism... Don't laugh, these are strange lands to live...

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


At the end what is expected happened (or at least beginning). Turkish F-16 jets and helicopter gunships begin bombing evacuated villages and stations inside Iraq early this morning.

According to journalists at the area they are also leaving special troops to ground bases.

Iraqi President Jalal Talabani yesterday announced to reporters at the Arab League’s head quarters in Cairo; «We are exerting all our efforts to stop the terrorism threat, which imperils both Turkey and Iraq, We consider any act against the government of Tayyip Erdogan as an act against Iraq,».

Unfortunately; news at the Turkish side is not so hopeful. The Ankara chief prosecutor launched a probe into the actions of pro-Kurdish Democratic Society Party's (DTP) deputy, Fatma Kurtulan, whose photographs were published in Turkish media showing her in northern Iraq amid the outlawed PKK terrorists, wearing the terrorists' clothing and carrying an automatic weapon.

Kurtulan, whose husband is an active PKK member, is accused of being a member of the terror organization. It is claimed that she had been trained by the PKK in 2003 and then sent back to Turkey, according to unconfirmed reports. Today, journalist put in light that Salman Kurtulan was receiving farming aid and agricultural trust for the last 16 years although he is out at the PKK bases. His last money pull happened last month inside Turkey from an ATM.

The newly elected leader of the Kurtulan's Democratic Society Party, Nurettin Demirtas, has been charged by the Ankara Republic Prosecutor's offices with having filed "false papers" in an attempt to escape serving in the Turkish military. According to the charges, Demirtas filed a false report claiming he had been diagnosed with tuberculosis at the time, without ever having actually gone to the hospital. If this is proven to be true, the Turkish Penal Code calls for prison time between 2 and 5 years for such a crime.

We already mentioned the court rule to order a media ban on the ongoing court case of eight soldiers who were held by the terrorist group the PKK. Media reports; The military prosecutor requested the media ban in order to preserve the safety of the investigation, avoiding distractions, providing incorrect information to the public and to protect the independence of the judicial proceedings.

Some says; the arrest of eight soldiers taken hostage by the PKK and released last week is designed to give a message to all the troops involved in the campaign in southeastern Turkey that giving themselves up to the terrorists will not be tolerated. According to sources close to the military the commanders feel such incidents should never be repeated or it will create serious lack of discipline among the troops in the fight against militants.

Critics, however, say this means the message to the troops are "you die but you should not allow yourself to be taken prisoner." Last time Turkish soldiers were taken hostage by the PKK was in 1995. The PKK held on to the soldiers for two years before releasing them.

Today's start to operation was obvious from yesterday but we were thinking it may wait at least till the foreign visitors leave the country.

Two major events must play major role for the beginning of the bombings and point operations; 4 soldiers, a lieutenant killed and 9 soldiers injured in a clash with terrorists last night. Seven civilians kidnapped two days ago. And an US commander had to took shelter at a nearby Turkish base when he targeted by terrorists' fire.

Between all these Israel's Perez and Palestine's Abbas were together in Turkish Parliament. Interesting news is; Israel and Turkey are holding high-level talks on a possible sale of the Arrow ballistic missile defense system and a model of the Ofek spy satellite to Turkey, according to The Jerusalem Post.

We cant receive enough information yet (partly because of the ban on media). Hope we can get a better picture from the opinions during night news.

Whatever happening, it is sure bombs are falling once more for an unknown tomorrow.

Israel PM Perez read a poem from famous Turkish poet Cahittkı Tarancı during his speech to Parliament. Though the new arms trade between Turkey & Israel is not a joyful news and Perez is not convincing. Here is the poem, I would like to ask him if he thinks Palestinians don't;
I want a country
let the sky be blue, the bough green, the cornfield yellow
let it be a land of birds and flowers

I want a country
let there be no pain in the head, no yearning in the heart
let there be an end to brothers' quarrels

I want a country
let there be no rich and poor, no you and me
on winter days let everyone have hose and home

I want a country
let living be like loving from the heart
if there must be complaint, let it be of death..

Let's wait for more news. We all wish a country without any pains. Could any bombs falling any part of this planet bring anything else than more and more pain and chaos? Wish this can be a false news and my country can stay out of Middle East darkness...

Monday, November 12, 2007


Here are some of the night news;

- The chief of the Turkish armed forces, General Buyukanit, speak today at a NATO meeting about the possibility of Turkish military intervention against terrorist PKK forces in northern Iraq.

- Former US State Department Assistant Richard Holbrooke told CNN that he believes Ankara will go ahead with military operation against PKK terror forces in northern Iraq within the next week.

- The Turkish Parliament will see a historical diplomatic event take place tomarrow, as both the Israeli President Simon Peres and the Palestinian State President Mahmut Abbas will come together. They will both give a speech in Parliament.

- Van military court ordered the arrest of 8 Turkish soldiers who were previously kidnapped from the Hakkari region of Turkey by PKK, and then set free 14 days later in northern Iraq. The group of soldiers were charged on a variety of counts, ranging from "acting in a manner anathema to their charged duty," to "willful disobedience of orders," to "disappearance outside the country."

- Nine members of the terrorist group the PKK surrendered to Turkish security forces in the past 36 hours.

- An investigation launched into allegations a member of the pro-Kurdish Democratic Society Party received training in a camp operated by the terrorist group the PKK.

- Thousands of Kurdish guerrillas crossed the border into Iran to escape a Turkish offensive against their mountain redoubts in northern Iraq, a former rebel leader said.

- On Sunday night, PKK rebels kidnapped seven people, including two pro-government village guards, after stopping them at a roadblock near the Iranian border

- Leader of a pro-Kurdish political party in parliament, Nurettin Demirtas charged with preparing and using fake official documents.» Demirtas is the newly elected leader of the Democratic Society Party, which has 20 seats in the legislature. If convicted, Demirtas faces up to five years in prison. He spent some 10 years in prison for membership in the PKK.

Last minute breaking news is the unexpected visit of the chief executive of Turkish Armed forces to the meeting of Ministers and PM. It happened rather late in afternoon and raised questions about possible operation. Some TV anchormen reported informations on the operation as "anything may happen any minute" or asked if it may happen tonight. And a few minutes ago; Goverment banned any news about the soldiers in jail.

According to me there are two things much more important than all above. 1- It is the eight anniversary of Duzce earthquake and we shouldn't forget the earthquake Istanbul is waiting. 2- The ship accidents at Black Sea because of the late storms. Oil is leaking to Black Sea from petroleum tankers and it may end with an important ecology disaster.

Lets forget about wars, terror etc for a second and think about our planet.

Some optimistic reports' (The World Bank Report No: 38764-TR) estimations for the possible quake are;

Deaths - 73,000 - 87,000
Severely injured - 120,000 - 135,000
Building Damages (Heavily +Moderately +Partly) 252,000 - 300,000

(These are really very optimistic estimations when only Istanbul's nearly 20 million population taken into consideration.)

And about the Black Sea for pollution; it is already polluted. Let aside the industrial toxins carried by the rivers, there is very low mixing between the surface layer and the deeper waters. That prevents penetration of oxygen to deeper regions, there is no oxygen below 200 meters. Marine animals and algae can not live in the anoxic zone.

Still it is an important fishing source. Turkey is 30th in world fishing with 500.000 tons of production. 77 percent of this production comes from Black Sea. 8.5 million of our population lives along the Black Sea coast and most of them depends on fishing for their living. Fish is the cheapest protein source for the people. And we are not even mentioning other countries having coasts to Black Sea.

Which should make us worry more; a possible military operation to northern Iraq or a possible major earthquake and pollution of our food supplies?

Or which should we prefer; "man made" or "natural" disasters/ deaths?

Which is worse; to hide from bullets and bombs or being trapped in ruins?
Hide and seek is a game even children are beginning to forget!...

Sunday, November 11, 2007


There is only one month left. Some are counting "dawns" to join their families and some are preparing for something they don't know much about yet. They don't even know the meaning of "counting dawns" or where they will be sent.

I am talking about the new military service term. Latest developments are making the boys more and more excited and full of emotions. Certainly it is not only the boys but also mothers who are lost in deep thoughts.

Because one of mine already served close to border, he is counted as experienced between friends. They are after endless questions as mine was before his service. Last night they went to drink and talk. I can sense the slight fear they try to hide.

The news of the kidnapped soldiers came at the same minutes. They are arrested after the interrogations fallowing their return. Accusations don't include treachery and not very clear yet but there are many rumors.
It would not take long to learn if there was an "intended treason". But even if there was; can all 8 of them been involved. "Impossible is impossible" is one of the experiences I learned in this life. Still I can't make myself believe such a conspiracy and afraid some innocent may burn beside others.

It is certainly possible there was a treachery in the event. In many books I read there were many witnessing to such events as PKK member soldiers fire back to their own units, put bombs, give information etc..

My mind wonders at different waters. I am curious how the whole event took place. It shouldn't be a national security matter and people should have the right to be informed. Our army is one of the biggest and strongest armies. So many are there in the middle of fire, so many worrying for their sons who are not sure about the danger they are in, so many are preparing to take their turns and again so many mothers in worry not knowing where they will send their sons yet.

My curious part wants to learn; what happened there, if they are giving training for these kind of events, if these boys are/ will be certain that their state / army will rescue them anyway in such a condition. What... if...

According to International Geneva Convention they are not "prisoner of war" but "hostages taken by terrorists", so what can be the rules of a state at this point? Certainly not the Israel way. They destroyed Lebanon but couldn't get back their soldiers.

It is easy to talk. Journalists, experts etc will begin to write their opinions as soon as tomorrow. Families will bury in silence with shame. People are already discussing; some say it is better to die than surrender and some say saving their lives means they may go on fighting. It is not possible to understand both.

There are times in life when logic stops, mind don't function. If they are not really in connection with PKK, may be we can only understand this after long psychological works.

If there is one thing we are taking away from these boys', soldiers' lives; it should be the light in their eyes. Even if they turn safe and healthy, they turn loosing that invisible light in their eyes.

Only mothers can recognize that light, if it is still there or not...

oh boys let me kiss you, hug you until satiated
as if I can cover you with my hearth
go, drink to your guts tonight
I am aware what you feel, to hide...
I know mine will try to encourage you
hiding most of what he lived
if I can take your moms out a night
I would also do my best to hide..

I catch mine reading "These Crazy Turks"
no wonder you are reading too
great reality and great propaganda
to sacrifice your lives for today's incredible lies..
I made him read opposite and asked his woo
not to fire even once to our own..
he questioned me what if he tracked under fire
should he wait our own's bullets to die?
I stunned with hopelessness
silent in lack of answers...

boys I know your blood is running in fire
I know you are also confused, afraid
neither try to be brave, nor hide
this is not our war, not your war
just try to be calm, be wise
patriotism is not blind courage, stay alive
you have so many stars
to watch with love and delight...

Saturday, November 10, 2007


Milliyet newspaper published a series of interviews with the retired top generals of Turkish military highlighting their views about where Turkey went wrong in Kurdish problem. Most of them admitted that some of the steps taken as a part of precaution caused the problem worsen.

Most important comment came from retired Chief of General Staff Kenan Evren who also served as the president after the 1980 military coup. He admitted the mistakes were committed in the Kurdish problem in 1980s including the ban on Kurdish language; "I later realized that the ban on Kurdish language was a mistake and I, now, believe that civil servants serving in the Southeastern region should know Kurdish."

What a great step for our former junta leader, late painter. One could think retirement and painting make him begin thinking. Or is he nearing end and decide to face with his mistakes? He might reminded banning Kurdish because of the interview, but what about all other mistakes? Or should I say "crimes"?

Here is a short quotation from an old article;

"During the Cold War years, from the late 1960s through the 1970s and 1980s, the world lived under the military coups and dictatorships supported by the USA. During this period when even supporters of democracy were considered as enemies of the state, “torture” reached the peak of its reign.

And in Turkey, September 12, 1980 came in such a state. It came, struck and destroyed. It took so many things away. It is enough just to change names of the countries and the dates. What happened was no different. People got “disappeared” the way they did in Chile and went through the same tortures as they did in Honduras. Even the torturing equipment and the methods were the same. The training for the torturers and the users manuals were of the same source.

One more country sent their children to the same counters. 1,683,000 people were labeled. 650,000 were put under surveillance, 230,000 were judged in 210,000 trials, executions were asked for 7,000. 517 were sentenced to death, and 50 of them were executed. 388,000 were not given passports, 30,000 were dismissed from ‘objectionable’ jobs, 14,000 were denied citizenship, 300 died from doubtful causes. 171 were proved to “have died from torture.” 937 movies were prohibited for their “objectionable contents,” 23,677 organizations were closed. 3,854 teachers, 120 academicians working at universities, and 47 judges were made redundant. For 400 journalists 4,000 years of imprisonment in total was asked. Newspapers could not publish for 300 days.

In short, a generation was intended to be wasted regardless to their ethnicity or ideological differences but that generation stayed despite everything they had lived and would live through."

In fact it was not only Kurdish what they banned but to talk at all. How many mistakes they would confess, they can't bring back the loses of the people of this country? If there is still blood flowing on these lands, it is mainly their junta's gift even if not totally.

If they forgotten their comments as; "Will we feed them in prisons instead of hanging?" while they were executing 16 years old, we didn't and will not!..

Wish him a long and healthy life. Wish he may confess more in time and survive till he can be taken to courts as Pinochet.

Rest is et cetra as in the old poem from old memories...

with juntas, with diplomatic notes life has passed
would a two year old child remember?
I do remember my dad getting dressed and going out in a hustle
the planes flying over our heads on 27 May 1960.
I watched 1968s from very close
roads from universities passed before our house..

12 March 1971 diplomatic note started death walk of the youth
we watched US 6th Squadron’s being driven off to the sea
by our elder sisters and brothers walking to the vast death like Denizs.
time was running,
it was about to be our turn
smiling, dancing we took our turn…

so many roads were walked
does our voice still echo
are our footsteps still there
I do not know…
I did not look back at the years past
so long I have walked, did not seek traces
did not seek for screamed screams
buried all that has been lived…

we did not care to be remembered
to be heard after many years
all was a relay race...
we did not know
whose turn was after ours
to whom we would give the flag
we were left dumbstruck with our buried wounds.

I did not look back at the years past
did not seek for the trails we left on the roads we walked
did not try to hear the echo of our screams…
if the problem is to seek for, I sought
for some by backstabbing bullets, some within traps
some in tortures, executions, disappeared
I sought for our wasted,
the ones who had gone
in the midst of the most beautiful stage of their lives..

I left their screams, trails, et ceteras wasted
like a two year old child’s remembrance of the planes over her head
all was near me, nearby me, carved within me
with putsches, with diplomatic notes life has passed
I only search for the ones who are gone when their turn came
my eyes cannot abjure but always see them
and they will continue seeing for how long it would endure,

this life is prepared...

Friday, November 9, 2007


It was one of the important discussion programs. Eight (politicians, journalists, formerly kidnapped etc) were going to discuss the return of eight soldiers kidnapped by PKK.

We like to discuss alot lately. How did they kidnapped? Did they surrender or taken hostage after using their last bullets? Was / is there any collaborators between them? How come DTP deputies took part in their delivery? With what authority they signed documents with terrorists? etc... etc...

While we are discussing all these, boys are still under interrogation. It had been nearly a week and one cant keep herself to question why. We will learn soon anyway.

The thin man sitting at the beginning of the line at the screen took my attention immediately. Others begun to discuss but he stayed silent for a time. Some were defending the operation with humanly emotions and some were accusing all the participants with communicating by terrorists (latest news is about one of the deputy's husband, his photos with other PKK leaders
wearing guns are on newspapers).

At last the thin man begin to speak; "Generally there are two results under these conditions; Stockholm Syndrome and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. I thought death only for the first two months..."
A first, others couldn't understand the man whose voice was shaking as if he was talking a foreign language.

His eyes were getting wet with the insensitivity he have to face. After some turns, they tried to seem understanding him but they were not still able to see above the politic lines.

The man's story was not so unique as he told himself. There were others (as shown in VTRs) who stayed longer and under harder conditions in the hands of PKK at the mountains. One told; the satellite photos they saw during their interrogations after their releases were so clear that they were able to see every detail.

Again tricking minds wondered why they left to their fate for months or years if there were/ are such detailed intelligence. Intelligence!.. Better to stop there and think a little more. Is it the same intelligence US Bush promised to deliver?... Or can it be the same intelligence on which the 3 young Turkish engineers were working on and found dead (suspicious suicides)?...


The thin man went on shaking, telling he had therapy for 3 years. Though he seemed more effected than the ex soldiers at the VTRs, at least he is a journalist and could have a therapy. It would be a fake dream to think even one of them heard about the PTSD after whatever they lived. One said; he couldn't have "one" night without nightmares for nearly 4 years after his release. There was a meaningless smile on some of the trembling lips.

No need to repeat the discussion programs or any other information.

A friend who wrote a book for help to PTSD victims last year feels so sad because the information in press releases missed in the book and many of his friends phone to ask him what PTSD means. I told him not to worry and tell them to look at themselves.

We are a PTSD victim society which is not aware. As delicate as poppies on the fields, as much as their seeds. Kidnapped? Tortured? Trapped in the middle of a demonstrations? Survived bombings? Your children taken under custody? Jailed for years? Lost loved ones? Old, young? Male, female? Turkish, Kurdish, etc? Don't worry we are from the soil and water of these lands, it would come and pass...

Come on, smile... Didnt elders said; "We smile whereas we had to cry!"...

Let your hands and voices shake, let your eyes wet free.. Just smile and learn what PTSD means as soon as possible because it is already here and dangerous than ever...

Tuesday, November 6, 2007


Justice Minister Mehmet Ali Şahin said he was not pleased about the way the release of the eight soldiers, in a statement he made yesterday; "None of the members of the Turkish Armed Forces [TSK] should have ever been in this situation. For that reason, I was not too happy about them being released.”

There have also been reports as the whole situation is a set-up long before the soldiers' release, from the very beginning. The 21 October attack by PKK terrorists left 13 soldiers dead, 20 wounded and 8 kidnapped.

According to media reports at least 1-2 of the soldiers were in connection with PKK and had part in the set-up. Their video sent to Youtube by the terrorist organisation and the way they are saying farewell to terrorists raised great anger between the public but the main suspicion bases on the "defenceless" announcement from 2 sources at the time of the ambush. This raises the question if there was intelligence given to PKK from inside.

Turkish General Staff’s military prosecutor questioned the eight soldiers yesterday and they are still under interrogation. It is natural for the military prosecutor start a probe. The probe started in consideration of the possibility that they were not abducted, but rather willingly walked away with the terrorists after the clash, leaving their dead and wounded friends.

PKK terrorists call for "surrender" several times reveals their aim was taking as much as hostages rather than execution. The clash which caught some of the soldiers at sleep lasted for hours.

Wounded soldiers are giving some details about the event. One of them is about the Expert Sergeant Sadık Atılmış who get wounded from his leg with the first rocket of the terrorists. A terrorist leaking into position lines call him to "surrender" with his leg broken into pieces. He replied the terrorist; "When did you see a Turkish soldier to surrender, you dishonorable!"....

Terrorist puts a bullet to his head and walk to others. Hours later helicopters took him with other wounded and he had surgeries at Military Hospital. He is still surviving, fighting against death too, though lost a leg and in coma at neurology unit. His wounded soldiers waiting their lieutenant's good news at the same hospital.

There are also reports about communication failures during the ambush. This technique is possible only via satellite. Another suspicious point is the presence of an US Apache helicopter at the border area the day before. Americans explains this as a routine investigation flight but it is unbelievable. If it was; why they didn't inform the PKK activities to their Turkish allies; or were they there to give coordinates and information to their PKK puppets as well as using their satellites?..

There are much more questions, much more suspicions...

Saw the results of Bush - Erdogan meeting?

Paid attention to the timing of all the events including the release of soldiers? To whom they were delivered? How close was the northern Iraqi officials and Turkish Kurd deputies with the terrorists? Who called the 3 deputies there and why (one of the female deputy's husband said to be a PKK member at the terrorist bases)?

Cant all this be another American tactic using his Guam trained creatures and hidden contracts with PKK?

Why some Kurdish sources begin to voice "War with Iran is essential after now"?

Why they still try too hard to confuse the Kurdish problem with PKK terrorism?

I cant say "wake up" to any side, it is already too late to wake up... Some are already way ahead making us all to play on their palm...

Cant put all the interconnected information together in this little space. Only wish is all these conspires may get public before it is too late...

Monday, November 5, 2007


Most thinks everything depends on today's Bush- Erdogan talks. Some even thinks late 48 hours' developments as; Rice's visit to Ankara, Iraq government's new attempts on closing PKK supporter political party and orders on stopping logistic supplies or release of 8 kidnapped soldiers etc gives hope about Bush- Erdogan meeting and prevention of the military option.

Nothing seem that easy for a careful eye. I cant see anything new in Rice visit and Iraqi government may deceive only ignorant and already sided international camps. It is known that they are only trying to keep the appearance by closing some buildings, telling the militants to stay home for a time etc. If they are after the terrorists how come their leaders can still talk freely to international media or make their propaganda at Roj TV broadcasting from EU member countries?

Our people is certainly happy for 8 soldiers. Their lives are more important than anything else. But we are not innocent children to think these are "coincidence". Did you need to believe in coincidences in life or, be a medium or prophet to know they were going to release the soldiers healthy and just in time?

I thought "here again.." when I heard the name who begun to talk about the release of the soldiers in the name of the NGO Transparency International; the mysterious journalist, businessman, political adviser, good friend of Talabani and Barzani, great investor in Northern Iraq, billonaire and who knows what else Mr İlnur Cevik.

And guess who took the soldiers from the group (Iraqi administration State Minister Minister Karim Sincari, Interior Minister Mahmoud Osman and a 3 DTP - Turkish Kurd political party- deputies) and deliver to Turkish authorities; Commander of the Coalition Forces in Iraq; General Petraeus, "the hood general".

Mr Nice General Petreus brought 8 soldiers to Bamerni Airport which is under the control of Turkish Army himself. He was the main character of 2003 "Hood incident" which is regarded as the symbol of anti-Americanism in the country.

On July 4, 2003, around 100 heavily armed U.S. soldiers raided an office in Suleimania, used by the Turkish special forces, and took 11 Turkish soldiers, including three commanders, into custody and put hoods on their heads as any prisoners. As if he can belittle them.

Can it be a "coincidence" or sign of hope too? I don't think so. I don't think any of above could be perceived as signs of hope for public.

There is a saying in Turkish; "Fire burns where it falls". Fire fall on this country for a long time and world choose not to hear the pain. Choose to play with the sensitivities of these people. Now they are in a different state with the fire burning, not able to take or care any stupid politic tricks.

News says; now they are stapped by the army some PKK militants are trying to pass in Iran. And eight soldiers who were kidnapped and released are in interrogation at Ankara.

I was at the mountains for the last 2-3 days. It begun to snow as media reported Rice wished. I sat there in the thick fog and thought all the children, youngsters at the mountains. I couldn't reach any hope to hold, lost in the white blindness. I was not able to see them but I knew they were too many in the deep white.

It snow so heavy that white cover the bright red blood they shed in seconds, before eye can observe. Do you still wait the meeting of Mr Bush and Mr Erdogan? You better watch the snow and guess what lies under...

Storm is about to break...

Thursday, November 1, 2007


Condi will be in Istanbul tomarrow for "Neighboring Countries of Iraq" meeting. US announced they are providing Turkey with high standard intelligence by U-2 spy aircrafts before her arrival.

An interesting point about the meeting is; Iraq President Talabani will not be present but PM Maliki and Foreign Minister Zebari represent Iraq. Meeting, bringing together Iraq's neighbours with major international powers and institutions, is aimed supporting the country's security and stability.

PM Erdogan will fly to USA the day after tomarrow. For the first time Generals will take place in his team of delegation. For now, any action seems to locked on the meeting with Bush administration at 5th of October.

Yesterday's long Cabinet meeting ended by possible sanction announcements.Though no specific information is given, Minister Cicek said Turkey would be careful in its application of the economic measures to avoid causing the innocent to suffer.

First sign is about the Habur Border Gate; slowing down the traffic and using the Nusaybin and Akçakale Border Gates more active. Only this may cut Barzani's one of primary incomes from border transits. There is more than 2.5 billion dollar tranportation from Habur and Barzani's income is estimated around 400 million USD..

An interesting news which I couldnt find any where else is at an internet news web. It is about 63 tribal leaders from Musul Province of Iraq want to be connected to Turkey. According to the news they come together after the first Gulf War and choosen Swiss lawman J. Anton Keller as representative for UN. Ex Dohuk Governor and Saddam period Agriculture Minister, writer Muhammed Sıddık Mahmut, Mama Seny Tribe leader Muşir Hadi Ahmet who holds important shares of Kerkuk oils and lives as a refugee in Holland and Nedim Surçi from Surçi Tribe who holds the Mousul Province land registration reports and lives in Northern Iraq and some other important tribe leaders are counted between them by Mr Keller. These kind of stories certainly fuels the fear of false Turkish invasion claims.

On the other hand; army operation at the south-eastern parts of the country is going on. Some 250 terrorists are cornered at a region and their passage way to Northern Iraq cut by the army forces. It is reported that they are landmined the land around them to gain time. The worst part is radio communications recorded between them and the terrorist leaders safe in Northern Iraq; "Stay where you are, dont leave your place... Try to make best attacs you can... Execute who ever try to run away..."

Yesterday there were attacs to Kurds in southern part of the country, today I read about the Kurdish attacs to Turk shops in Koln, Germany. Social psychology is heading to chaos like a rising tsunami by the effords of Turkish nationalists and PKK.

It is early morning yet. Who knows what may happen till night...